The face of the party is a white male over 45 years of age who is not dumb or stupid but is more wealthier and better educated than average. The party is not all white there are a few blacks and others. My grandfather would say there will always be blind opportunistic members in the race who can not find their way out of a paper bag but they serve a purpose.
From the out side looking in it appears the Democrats are betting the farm on the 'why now' question. Why now? You never opened your mouth when Bush gave away tax cuts to the wealthier members in society while borrowing from China to go to war with Iraq and Afghanistan. Why now? You did not protest when Bush did not protect the people of main street from the greed and selfish people of wall street who stole our future. You did not stop him when he took away our freedom with his so called Patriot Act.
The real hypocrisy of the economic conservatism practice by this movement is it doesn't apply the same measure stick to the local and state governments as they do to the federal government. The municipal government of most cities in America, USA need this 'over sight' that this economic conservative ideology is bringing to the federal level. Don't spend what you don't have and live within your means. All politics is local.
This ideological purity needs to be applied to the city of Fort Worth, Texas. The city has mismanaged it finances and tax base it has a 35 million dollars deficit. The city council is spending money it doesn't have on a street car that goes no where.
If this vitroil is directed at the Obama's Administration only and not at principle then this is troubling and you must accept the conservatives as have contempt for the man and his policies. The conservative movement was resurrected after the 2008 Presidential Election around the idea 'he is different from us. Thus, he was said to be a muslim, a foreigner, a socialist, a nazi, and the latest falsehood, a gangsta. Brack Hussein Obama is a black educated family man who confesses Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He is the 44th President of the United States of America, period.
The voices from the membership do not connect the dots to the reality of their individuality. 95% of them got a tax cut. 47% of their poorer relatives did not pay any federal tax at all. And 52% feels the taxes they pay were 'fair'. They feel Medicare and Social Security are a good buy.
It has not dawn on the Democratic Party and the media that the conservative voters are feed up, enough is enough. They do not see the clear and present danger in the Tea Party anti-government and anti-establishment rhetoric as it peel off a sizable number of democrats and independents. Under such a political alignment this will be a one-term presidency.