"Elect Republicans and we will repeal the Health Care Reform bill", cried the Party of No. The unlearn and well to do will put dollars in the pocket of these politicians who runs on the slogan 'repeal health care' because it sound like a doable deal. To repeal health care reform in America, the GOP will need to have 67 senators out of 100 to pass such a bill over the president's signature. No way. No how.
"Re-elect Rick Perry Governor of Texas and he will excise our state rights and secede us from the union. We the People of Texas are tried of the federal government imposing unfunded mandates on the individuals and small businesses of the state", is the rant and ravings of the Tea Party. Oh there is a way to secede but not as 1 state but 5. What part do you want to be a part of? what say you Rick?
Not to be out done the Attorney Generals of Texas, Greg Abbott, along with 13 other Attorney Generals of other states are filing frivolous lawsuits that will waste the courts time and the taxpayer dollars. If it has to do with commerce across state lines and the general health and welfare of the citizenry, the Supreme Court has ruled. Case closed.
The BS is going to get deep in this fall election when Texas elect its next governor. See Rick run away from his record. The longest sitting governor in its history. Education is underfunded. Highways improvement have not kept up with development of bedroom communities and the state will have a 12 billion dollar deficit. Rick Perry has been in office for 10 years guess who he is going to blame for Texas shortcomings. That is right: the federal government.